Grade 8

3 - Particle Dance

Overall Expectations

  • demonstrate an understanding of the properties and uses of fluids.

Specific Expectations

  • explain the difference between solids, liquids, and gases in terms of density, using the particle theory of matter
  • explain the difference between liquids and gases in terms of their compressibility
  • explain in qualitative terms the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature when a liquid (e.g.,
    water) or a gas (e.g., air) is compressed or heated

5 - Fluid density

Overall Expectations

investigate the properties of fluids

Specific Expectations

  • follow established safety practices for using apparatus, tools, and materials (e.g., use syringes and tubing for the purposes for which they were designed)
  • investigate and compare the density of a variety of liquids
  • investigate and compare the densities of a variety of liquids
  • use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including viscosity, density, particle theory of matter, hydraulic, and pneumatic, in oral and written communication

2 - Extending balance to panel composition


  • organize their art works to create a specific effect, using at least two of the principals of design specified for this grade.


We are going to apply the principals of balance to the layout of your manga panels. There are many things to consider when laying out your panel such as size, shape, number, and that the same principal we discussed yesterday apply equally to panel layout as they do to paintings.

Scence - KICA - Grade 8 - Fluids


Fluids are an important component of man systems. Fluids have different properties that determine how they can be used. Fluids are essential to life.


Overall Expectations

  • From the curriculum docs

Specific Expectations



What the students are expected to know before they can handle this unit. Include a diagnostic test, or point to a unit that you will teach before hand. Ideally, you can get this from the previous grade's curriculum.


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