Scence - KICA - Grade 8 - Fluids


Fluids are an important component of man systems. Fluids have different properties that determine how they can be used. Fluids are essential to life.


Overall Expectations

  • From the curriculum docs

Specific Expectations



What the students are expected to know before they can handle this unit. Include a diagnostic test, or point to a unit that you will teach before hand. Ideally, you can get this from the previous grade's curriculum.


What you need to study up on before you can handle this unit. List teacher resources.


What you need or would like in your classroom to do this lesson.


Any community resources you need or could draw on to enhance the project.


Lab Reports/inquiry logs, design and build a hydraulic or pneumatic device

Task Overview

Lesson Description Expectation Focus
1 Diagnostic test on vocabulary and concepts using a 3-T chart (know it, heard of it, don't know it). Whole class discussion - what is a fluid (properties)- do venn diagram. Groupwork - Fluid or not classification. Homework - fluids in your life. 8s39 K
2 Jar-car race - using equal sized jars half-filled with different substances, race them down a slope. predict winner, observe results and try to explain. 8s40, 8s44 I
3 Particle dance - whole class activity on the particle theory of matter. Demo - boiling water in a vacuum? 8s40, 8s41, 8s50, 8s51, 8s54, 8s55, 8s57, 8s58 K,C
4 Fluid Flow: vocabulary: aerodynamics, hydrodynamics - flow rate - laminar flow, turbulent flow streamlined - drag. Wind tunnels. 8s41, 8s42 K
5 Fluid Flow: explore the effects of incline, temperature, tube diameter on fluid flow 8s40, 8s44, 8s48, 8s50 I
6 Viscosity K
7 Using fluids - measure mass, weight, volume - make and use hydrometer. K
8 Exploration of the density of different things. Using liquids of different densities and objects of different densities, explore what floats on what 8s40, 8s43, 8s44, 8s46, 8s50, 8s56 I
9 The students have been contacted by Whiz Bang Drinks to determine if and how fruit pieces can be suspended in a consumer beverage. 8s40, 8s41, 8s44,, 8s48, 8s50, 8s51 I, C
10 Buoyancy - flotations - dirigibles forces acting on floating objects - 8s40 K
11 exploration of archimedes principal 8s40, 8s44, 8s50 I
12 ballast - submarines, fish, divers - positive, negative and neutral 8s39, 8s40, 8s42, 8s59 K
13 ballast - ships - flotation lines - zebra mussels 8s39, 8s40 K
14 Affects of T on Viscosity K
15 Fluids and Pressure - design project, build something hydraulic or pneumatic A


Level 4
What will your best students do when they finish early, or how you will keep them busy.
Level 1/IEP
What modifications will be applied to the assessment. Differentiated instruction will probably be listed on the individual task plans.

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