4 - Manga proportions - face shapes, basic eyes


Produce two- and three-dimensional works of art that communicates a variety of ideas for specific purposes and to specific audiences, using a variety of art forms


Manga is distinguished from comics not only because it's subject matter is typically more "adult", but also by the particular style of the characters. These stylistic elements include the typical large eyes and small mouths the genre is famous for. This lesson will cover these aspects of the manga character. Remember that I will be asking you to hand in a rough sketch of the character and a log on why you are drawing them as you did. That is how his features reflect his character.



  1. 10 min - show the basic proportions of the manga face - start with an egg shape, draw a vertical line to keep it symmetrical, draw a horizontal line half way down to mark the top of the eyes, draw a line halfway between that and the bottom of the face to mark the end of the nose and eyes, and a line halfway between that and the bottom to mark the mouth. Remember to exaggerate different parts of the anatomy. Use larger eyes for more innocent/younger people, smaller for older/more sinister. Use longer and more pointed heads for the same reasons.
  2. 10 min - show how to draw basic eye shapes - almond, slit, triangular, trapezoidal
  3. 10 min - hair demonstrate basic hair styles for men - slick back, spiky, and normal.
  4. 30 min - application
  5. The students will spend the remainder of the class practicing drawing heads and eyes. They are to play with proportion and exaggeration.

    Instructional Aids

    Print the following pages for the students to reference: http://www.cablenet.ne.jp/~japanime/tutorial/head.html http://animeworld.com/howtodraw/faces.html

    Reference Material

    Image from Akemi's Anime World - http://animeworld.com/howtodraw/faces.htmlHow to draw manga hair, Manga Tutorials http://www.mangatutorials.com/tut/eyebasics.php, and Rocket's How to draw Manga page - http://members.tripod.com/~incomming/ Also see http://www.tutorialguide.net/how_to_draw_manga_eyes_tutorial.html

    Art Exemplars


    If the child cannot create a character sketch the will choose from a set of pre-made manga characters and describe why they chose them in their artistic log. They will then cut these out and use them to produce their final manga.

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