Grade 5

1 - Intro to Volume


Centicubes, math journal

Important Terminology

length, width, height, area, volume, cubic centimters

Background Knowledge

The students will have completed the units on area and geopmetric shapes.


Children get 10 minutes to build whatever they want from the centicubes.

Lesson Sequence

Time Formative Test


Listed below are the start times and durations for various events. Calculate the finishing time of the event.

Start time Duration of the Event Finishing Time
a 7:23 a. m. 1 hour 10 min.
b 11:44 a. m. 32 min.
c 8:34 p. m. 3 hour 42 min.

SI Time Units

Name: ___________________________________

So called Standard Notation puts the the English name of the month first, then the day of the month, followed by a comma, and finally the year, like so:

September 4, 1961

24 Hour Clock


Computer Lab,
Learn Alberta

Lesson Sequence

Demonstrate to the Students how to get to the 24 hour clock lesson on the Learn Alberta website. Take them to the computer lab and have them go through the exercise online.


The website also has other lessons applicable to this unit. If time permits, have the students go through those lessons for extra practice.

Measuring Time Worksheet

Name: _____________________________

Remember: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day.

How to add and subtract time.

Suppose Rilie studies from 3:48 to 7:05, how would you go about calculating how long he studied?
One way is to do addition. He studies 12 minutes to get to 4:00, plus 3 hours to get to 7:00, plus 5 minutes to get to 7:05, for a total of 3:17. This same method can be extended to include seconds, or even days and years.

0 - Introduction to Time

Specific Expectations

Determine if the children can convert from analog to digital, and from descriptive to digital.
See if they can do any arithmetic with time.


Generate clock worksheets on Math Fact Cafe

Important Terminology

second, minute, hour

Background Knowledge


Lesson Sequence

15 min - Take up Volume test.
5 min - Introduce unit. Lay out Experiment and Final quiz.
15 min - Administer diagnostic test.

Water Clock Experiment Recording Sheet

Name: __________________________________


To investigate the relationship between the height of water in a container and how fast if flows out.


  1. Prepared Water bottle with hole
  2. Graduated cylinder
  3. Ruler
  4. Stopwatch or Wall clock with second hand


Repeat the following steps with the bottle starting with different water levels in the bottle. For example, nearly full, half full, and nearly empty. Collect additional data for other water levels as time permits. The more data the better.

Measuring Time

Specific Expectations

Teach the students how to estimate and measure elapsed time using a stopwatch and the wall clock.


Stopwatches. Worksheet.

Important Terminology

elapsed time, hours, minutes, seconds.

Background Knowledge


Lesson Sequence

Talk about seconds - how short they are. Ask when you would want to measure time that accurately.
Have students close their eyes and time out 10s. ask if they thought it was longer and shorter
Brainstorm how to estimate time eg 1 mississippi.

Diagnostic Test

Draw a digital clock to show each of the following times:

a) quarter to 4 b) 21 minutes after 8
c) 9 minutes to 1 d) 25 minutes before 4

If you have 45 minutes of homework, when is the latest you can start so that you will be finished in time to watch Heros at 8:00 pm. Show your thinking.

If you started this test at 12:15:05 and finished at 12:19:23,
a) how long did it take you? Show your work.

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