Measuring Time

Specific Expectations

Teach the students how to estimate and measure elapsed time using a stopwatch and the wall clock.


Stopwatches. Worksheet.

Important Terminology

elapsed time, hours, minutes, seconds.

Background Knowledge


Lesson Sequence

Talk about seconds - how short they are. Ask when you would want to measure time that accurately.
Have students close their eyes and time out 10s. ask if they thought it was longer and shorter
Brainstorm how to estimate time eg 1 mississippi.
Talk about seconds - how short they are. Ask when you would want to measure time that accurately.
Talk about how to measure time. Show how to use a stopwatch using the smartboard.
Move into how to add and subtract time.

Key Questions

When would you need to measure elapsed time to the second?




Implications for Future Lessons

These skills will be used in the Water Clock Experiment

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