Math - Grade 5 - Time


To teach the children to relate the 12 and 24 hour clocks, to measure time intervals to the nearest second, and to determine elapsed time.


elapsed time, millennium, century, decade, year, month, day, hour, minute, second


Overall Expectations

  • Estimate, measure and record ... elapsed time, using a variety of strategies.
  • Determine the relationship among units and measurable attributes.

Specific Expectations

  • Estimate, measure, and represent time intervals to the nearest second with and without sing a time line.
  • Solve problems regarding the relationship between a 12 and 24 hour clock.



They should be able to estimate and measure elapsed time to the nearest 5 minute interval, with or without a time line.


Sink, graduated cylinders,


Final summative test covering SI notation, elapsed time, 24 hour clock.

Task Overview

  1. Introduction to time - what is a second, how many seconds in a minute.
  2. Measuring time - how to measure time to the second using a stopwatch, and a wall clock.
  3. Water Clock Experiment - applying how to measure time.
  4. Measuring time worksheet.
  5. Formative test.
  6. 24 hour clock. SI units.
  7. summative quiz


Level 4
Early finishers will be directed to finish Social Studies work or independent reading of Greek myths.
Level 1/IEP
The summative test is recall and application. The only modification for IEP is to length.

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