0 - Introduction to Time

Specific Expectations

Determine if the children can convert from analog to digital, and from descriptive to digital.
See if they can do any arithmetic with time.


Generate clock worksheets on Math Fact Cafe

Important Terminology

second, minute, hour

Background Knowledge


Lesson Sequence

15 min - Take up Volume test.
5 min - Introduce unit. Lay out Experiment and Final quiz.
15 min - Administer diagnostic test.
15 min - Talk about seconds - how short they are. Ask when you would want to measure time that accurately.
Talk about rounding seconds to minutes.
SI notation hh:mm:ss YYYY MM DD
Have students close their eyes and time out 10s. ask if they thought it was longer and shorter
Discuss ways to estimate 1s
Brainstorm a list of activities they can do in about 30s - use this for the work sheet tomorrow.

Key Questions




Implications for Future Lessons

The diagnostic test will decide any remediation before continuing the unit.

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