1 - Intro to Volume


Centicubes, math journal

Important Terminology

length, width, height, area, volume, cubic centimters

Background Knowledge

The students will have completed the units on area and geopmetric shapes.


Children get 10 minutes to build whatever they want from the centicubes.

Lesson Sequence

10 min - children build whatever they want from centicubes. At the end of this activity they must estimate the number of centicubes in their creation. Explain that, because the centicubes occupy one cubic centimeter, the number of centicubes will be the volume of their creation. Remind them that estimate does not mean count. Have them record their estimate and how they made it in their journal.
5 min - Transformers rule! The children must now transform their creation into a rectangular prism. They may borrow extra cubes if necessary.
10 min - Have the children figure out the actual number of centicubes without counting them all. Remind them to record their thoughts in their journal.
10 min - As a class, have the students share their strategies.
15 min - Introduce the formula V = L * W * H, and relate it to the formula for area. Explain how, if you know the area of the base of any prism, you can calculate the volume with the formula V = A * H. Have the children re-form their prisms into a prism with different dimensions. but the same number of cubes. They should record their strategies in their journals

Key Questions

How can you calculate the volume without counting?


The assessment in this lesson is anecdotal during, since this is the introduction. Their journals will be collected for diagnostic and formative purposes. Next lesson they will practice using the formula using a worksheet, which will be collected for formative assessment.

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