Art - Grade 5 - Stenciling

Lesson Layout

Introduce stencils - why use them. (to make multiple copies of a pattern)
- show examples of using the positive and negative
- demonstrate how to cut out a stencil with scissors (that is, without an exacto knife)
- show examples of patterns
- encourage sharing of stencils


Pencil crayons, pastels, scrap paper for rough layout/experiments, heavy card stock (index cards, scrap bristol board (bring up 3 Rs to model environmentalism), good paper for final copy (in varying sizes), scissors. A selection of pre-made stencils would also be helpful.



Self assessment - two stars and a wish, rating out of 10.

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Uses the elements of design (positive and negative images, patterning) when creating with stencils Uses the elements in limited ways Uses the elements in developing ways Uses the elements in developed ways Uses the elements in highly developed ways
Uses allocated time efficiently incomplete limited completion complete detailed and precise completion of task

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