1900 - 1940 The Blues and Jazz, part 3

1900 - 1940 Lesson 3

Overall Expectations

  • Identify and perform music from various cultures and historical periods.
  • Communicate their understanding and knowledge of music in appropriate ways.

Specific Expectations

  • create musical compositions that make use of elements of music studied in this grade, write them in standard notation, and perform them.
  • Describe some aspects of the historical context of music that they sing, play, or listen to



Introduction - 5 min
Remind students of the upcoming lessons and expectations.
Body - 35 min
Have the children re-form the groups from yesterday and deliver their presentations and performances
Conclusion - 10 min
As a class, add to the word wall based on what we've learned.


The presentations will be assessed based on the attached rubric.





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