1900 - 1940 The Blues and Jazz, part 2

1900 - 1940 Lesson 2

Overall Expectations

  • Identify and perform music from various cultures and historical periods.
  • Communicate their understanding and knowledge of music in appropriate ways.

Specific Expectations

  • create musical compositions that make use of elements of music studied in this grade, write them in standard notation, and perform them.
  • Describe some aspects of the historical context of music that they sing, play, or listen to


Introduction - 5 min
Remind students of the upcoming lessons and expectations.
Body - 35 min
Have the children re-form the groups from yesterday and compose an "authentic" blues song, based on the what they've learned of history of their period. They should also prepare a short presentation on the history of their period.


The teacher will circulate and monitor the progress of the groups work and offer help where necessary. Anecdotal notes should be taken.


Musical score paper, whatever art supplies the students may want for their presentation, or access to a computer and presentation software.


Circulate among the groups and offer formative assessment and take anecdotal notes. Formal assessment will occur during the presentation in the next lesson.


They may use any classic 12-bar blues song as their melody. Appropriate blues songs will be made available.


Students who show particular ability can add embellishment appropriate for the period they are working on, for example, boogie-woogie or urban blues. They may then accompany the performance using whatever instruments they choose.

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