
Specific Expectations

2.1 describe key properties of periodic functions arising from real-world applications, given a numeric or graphical representation
2.2 predict, by extrapolating, the future behavior of a relationship modeled using a numeric or graphical representation of a periodic function


Computer Lab

Important Terminology

amplitude, period, sunspot, solar cycle

Background Knowledge

None beyond previous lessons in unit.
Familiarity with software available to turn data to graphs - add a demonstration to the start of the computer portion of the lesson if necessary.


Play NASA Intro to the sun

Lesson Sequence

1 - Explain how sunspots come in cycles and that they will be using real data to build a model of the sunspot or "solar cycle" and write a report on it. - 10 minutes
2 - Distribute handout or point them to the location on the class webpage where they can find it. Hand out an exemplar paper or an article from "Scientific American" or a similar magazine. Discuss the assignment - 10 min
3 - Move to computers and have them create their graphs - remainder of period.
4 - allow an additional 2 - 3 periods in computer lab to gather info and complete papers.

Key Questions

Leading questions given by you to the students and expected questions from the students


The paper they write will be marked according the the attached rubric for their summative assessment


Is there a larger pattern visible in the sunspot data. How could you improve your model.


Extra time can be given to those sudents that need it.

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