1 - Ballance
1 - Ballance ajlill Mon, 11/10/2008 - 22:14Expectations
- describe how the elements of design are used to create the area of emphasis (focal point) in a work of art.
- describe how elements of design are used to create formal (symmetrical) and informal (asymmetrical) balance in compositions
Almost all good art is a result of careful design. This is especially true when it comes to graphic novels. Not only must you create a picture that tells part of a story, but you must also integrate the other elements of the form, such as narrative boxes, thought and word bubbles, and even the size and shape of each panel must be considered.
In the art component of your manga, you will be evaluated on how you apply the concepts of balance and scan paths to your work. We will spend the next two lessons learning about balance in general, and specifics on how it is applied to manga. We will do a few exercises to practice these concepts, then you will then have a lesson and a bit in which to create a rough draft. I also want an artists log in which you explain why you did it the way you did. I will collect these and make suggestions for improvement, and return them. In the meantime we will have a couple of lessons on how to draw manga characters. I will also want an artists log on why you chose to draw your charaters the way you did. You will then be given 5 lessons in which to produce the finished manga, which will be marked for both the Art component, and for how well you summarized the story and used the conventions of manga for the English component.
- 5 min - Introduction
- 5 min - Show a number of exemplars of 50:50 symmetry and 1/3:2/3 symmetry, show how to find the symmetry in the exemplars. Also point out the scan paths in the pictures.
- 5 min - Show how to layout balanced symmetries on the blackboard, build a picture around them and label the scan lines.
- 5 min - Show examples of asymmetric balance in the exemplars. Also point out the scan paths in the pictures.
- 5 min - Show how to layout asymmetric balance on paper, using the allegory of a set of balance scales, build a picture around them and label the scan lines.
- 5 min - Show examples of any scan lines not already seen.
- 30 min - Introduce the activity (below). Circulate among the students and make anecdotal observations.
Hand out legal sized paper and have the children divide it into four sections. For the remainder of the lesson have the students do 4 quick and dirty line drawings in black pencil showing examples of each type of balance. They can either use some of their planned scenes for the manga or some random picture. They should make sure their guiding lines for creating the balance are visible. They should mark their focal point(s) and scan paths using green pencil as demonstrated.
Collect the sketches and provide formative feedback before the next lesson.
Instructional Aids
Have an anchor charts for types of scan lines and symmetries posted in the classroom for the children to refer to during their activity.
Reference Material
http://www.bluemoonwebdesign.com/art-lessons-index.asp - a series of lessons on the principals of formalism.
http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/ - WebMuseum - famous artworks - mostly talk but there are a number of usable images if you look
http://www.abcgallery.com/ - Olga's gallary - online art museum
Art Exemplars
From Principals of Design, Davis Publication, Worchester, Mass. and Elements of Design, same publisher:
- The Mill on the River Pegnitz shows asymmetrical balance and a right to left scan path
- Cistercian abby barn by Tim Doest show symmetrical 1/2 balance
- The Harvest by Stan Herd shows a symmetrical 1/2 ballance and a circular scan path.
- Basatho House by Emmily Maphesla shows both 1/2 and 1/3 ballance
- My Gems by William M Harnell shows both 1/2 and 1/3 ballance and a triangular scan path.
- Spring by Peter Bruegel The Elder shows asymmetrical balance and a meandering scan path