4 - Formula for Volume Introduction


Strand Measurement Code Specific Expectations Determine, through investigation using stacked congruent rectangular layers of concrete materials, the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and he volume of a rectangular prism, and generalize to development the formula.


Volume worksheet. Math Makes Sense textbook. Centicubes or simmilar


height, length, width, volume, dimensions, formula


In general, you can't figure out the volume of something using centicubes. Instead you must use a formula and work it out using a formula
Say you want to give your teacher a present of a Tim Horton's cup. You want to make a box big enough to hold the cup. Calculate the volume of the cup.

Lesson Layout

10 min - Take up work from last session. Pull together ideas from last two lessons and have them develop the formula for volume.
5 min - Hook. Work through the problem on the overhead.
35 min - Work on worksheet


Mark the worksheet when completed.


Anyone who finishes before the period is over can continue with the Math Makes Sense textbook page 212 #2,3,5,6


Math Makes Sense p 211-212 #1,4

Implications for Future Lessons

The is the culminating lesson in the Volume unit. Final lesson is a summative test.

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