
Teaching word problems

Word problems are written backward from how students are used to reading paragraphs. The main idea is often in the last sentence rather than the first.

Barton and Heidema suggest the SQRQCQ process
Survey - quickly read the question to get the gist of it.
Question - ask what information the problem requires
Read - reread the problem to extract the relevant info needed to solve it
Question - ask what must be done to solve the problem - what are the steps needed
Compute - do the steps
Question - does the answer make sense


Specific Expectations

• explain how a coordinate system represents location, and plot points in the first quadrant of a Cartesian coordinate plane; 6m52
• identify, perform, and describe, through investigation using a variety of tools (e.g., grid paper, tissue paper, protractor, computer technology), rotations of 180º and clockwise and counterclockwise rotations of 90°, with the centre of rotation
inside or outside the shape; 6m53

Ortho to 3D

  1. Remind them of test and show rubric
  2. Discuss lines for hidden faces
  3. Trade drawings and build.
  4. Repeat Discussion.
  5. Extension: Draw name and translate to isomorphic

Math - Grade 6 - Geometry


Why are you spending class time on this? Why would their futures be ruined if they didn't know this?


Overall Expectations

  • sketch three-dimensional figures, and construct three-dimensional figures from drawings; 6m44
  • describe location in the first quadrant of a coordinate system, and rotate two-dimensional shapes. 6m45

Specific Expectations

1 - Intro to Volume


Centicubes, math journal

Important Terminology

length, width, height, area, volume, cubic centimters

Background Knowledge

The students will have completed the units on area and geopmetric shapes.


Children get 10 minutes to build whatever they want from the centicubes.

Lesson Sequence

Time Formative Test


Listed below are the start times and durations for various events. Calculate the finishing time of the event.

Start time Duration of the Event Finishing Time
a 7:23 a. m. 1 hour 10 min.
b 11:44 a. m. 32 min.
c 8:34 p. m. 3 hour 42 min.

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