
Overall Expectations

6s35 2. investigate the characteristics of static and current electricity, and construct simple circuits.

Specific Expectations

6s39 2.1 follow established safety procedures for working with electricity (e.g., ensure hands are completely dry when working with electricity; be aware of electrical hazards at home, at school, and in the community)
6s44 2.6 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including current, battery, circuit, transform, static, electrostatic, and energy, in oral and written communication
6s46 3.1 distinguish between current and static electricity
6s48 3.3 identify materials that are good conductors of electricity (e.g., copper, gold, silver, aluminum, water [when it has a high mineral content]) and good insulators (e.g., glass, plastic, rubber, ceramics)
6s51 3.6 explain the functions of the components of a simple electrical circuit (e.g., a battery is the power source; a length of wire is the conductor that carries the electrical current to the load; a light bulb or motor is the load)
6s52 3.7 describe series circuits (components connected in a daisy chain) and parallel circuits (components connected side by side like the rungs of a ladder), and identify where each is used (e.g., some strings of patio lights are in series circuits - when one light burns out, the whole string goes out; parallel circuits are used for wiring lighting and electrical outlets in your house - when one light burns out, the others keep burning)


A rig to safely demonstrate the hazzards of household current and electrocute a pickle.
Batteries, wires, lamps, 1.5V light bulbs with holders.

Important Terminology

Background Knowledge


Imagine your life without electricity. Remember the last blackout. For homework, have them keep a journal of all the electrical things they come in contact with.

Lesson Sequence

Explore - how a circuit works - give the students a battery, some wires and a lightbulb or motor. -
Explain - on what was needed to make the bulb glow. Why do you need the battery.
Elaborate -

Explore - what is a good conductor, insulator. - exend the circuit from above to allow you to put varous materiels in series with it. Predict what will happen, then experiment .
Explain - how did your circuit tester show which materiels conduct electricity. Which materiels conduct best, How do you know. How does your experiment results help you understand how electicty flows.
Elaborate - where would you use this, how is this related to safety - demostrate electicity flow through water, pickcle.

Explore - series and parallel circuits
Explain - where a series and parallel circuit would be used
Elaborate - design a circuit where a light can be switched on or off from two different switches.
water circuit as an analogy to electrical circuit - pressure = volts, flow = amps

Key Questions

Leading questions given by you to the students and expected questions from the students




Implications for Future Lessons

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