Grade 6


Specific Expectations

• explain how a coordinate system represents location, and plot points in the first quadrant of a Cartesian coordinate plane; 6m52
• identify, perform, and describe, through investigation using a variety of tools (e.g., grid paper, tissue paper, protractor, computer technology), rotations of 180º and clockwise and counterclockwise rotations of 90°, with the centre of rotation
inside or outside the shape; 6m53

Ortho to 3D

  1. Remind them of test and show rubric
  2. Discuss lines for hidden faces
  3. Trade drawings and build.
  4. Repeat Discussion.
  5. Extension: Draw name and translate to isomorphic

Math - Grade 6 - Geometry


Why are you spending class time on this? Why would their futures be ruined if they didn't know this?


Overall Expectations

  • sketch three-dimensional figures, and construct three-dimensional figures from drawings; 6m44
  • describe location in the first quadrant of a coordinate system, and rotate two-dimensional shapes. 6m45

Specific Expectations

Static Electricity

Overall Expectations

6s35 2. investigate the characteristics of static and current electricity, and construct simple circuits.

Specific Expectations

6s39 2.1 follow established safety procedures for working with electricity (e.g., ensure hands are completely dry when working with electricity; be aware of electrical hazards at home, at school, and in the community)


Overall Expectations

6s35 2. investigate the characteristics of static and current electricity, and construct simple circuits.

Specific Expectations

6s39 2.1 follow established safety procedures for working with electricity (e.g., ensure hands are completely dry when working with electricity; be aware of electrical hazards at home, at school, and in the community)
6s44 2.6 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including current, battery, circuit, transform, static, electrostatic, and energy, in oral and written communication

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