Measuring Time Worksheet

Name: _____________________________

Remember: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day.

How to add and subtract time.

Suppose Rilie studies from 3:48 to 7:05, how would you go about calculating how long he studied?
One way is to do addition. He studies 12 minutes to get to 4:00, plus 3 hours to get to 7:00, plus 5 minutes to get to 7:05, for a total of 3:17. This same method can be extended to include seconds, or even days and years.
The other way is to do subtraction, but there's a catch. You have to be careful when borrowing between different units.

7:05 -> 6:65
-3:48 -3:48
------- -------

Notice how, when we borrowed from the hour, we only got 60, not 100 as we would have if we were subtracting 348 from 705.

4 runners want to recreate the run from Marathon to the Acropolis in Athens. The each leave at 7:45am. Use the runners finish time to calculate the elapsed time

Finish Time Elapsed Time
Runner 1 10:52 ______________________________
Runner 2 10:34 ______________________________
Runner 3 12:14 ______________________________
Runner 4 12:05 ______________________________

Which runner is the fastest?
Which runners took more that 4 hours?

In your groups, try these activities, and come up with some of your own. Each person in the group should try these and have a partner record the start and end times.

Activity Estimate Start time End time Elapsed time
1. Sing Jingle Bells
2 10 Jumping Jacks
3. Walk across the classroom

Extend your thinking:
Including washrooms, there are about 7 rooms between us and the office. Calculate how long it would take you to walk to the office.

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