
4 - Formula for Volume Introduction


Strand Measurement Code Specific Expectations Determine, through investigation using stacked congruent rectangular layers of concrete materials, the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and he volume of a rectangular prism, and generalize to development the formula.


Volume worksheet. Math Makes Sense textbook. Centicubes or simmilar


height, length, width, volume, dimensions, formula


3 - Volume to rectangular pyramid


This will give the children another method to discover the formula for volume.

Lesson Layout

5 minutes - introduction to activity - they will draw a slip of paper from a bucket with a number on it. They will get that number of cubes and make a rectangular pyramid.
15 minutes - children will create the cubes
30 minutes - record results - prompt - how did you choose those dimensions?


Centicubes or similar
Smartboard, overhead, or chart paper to record results

Grade 5 Volume



The students will have just finished the unit on geometric shapes

Lesson Overview

Lesson 1 - Break out the centicubes and let the children build whatever they want for 15 minutes. Bring them together and have them estimate the volume of their creations. Record the estimates?
Lesson 2 - Transformers rule! - have the children transform their creations into a rectangular pyramid. Have them record H, L, W and calculate the actual volume. Have them record this on the smartboard.

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