Static Electricity

Overall Expectations

6s35 2. investigate the characteristics of static and current electricity, and construct simple circuits.

Specific Expectations

6s39 2.1 follow established safety procedures for working with electricity (e.g., ensure hands are completely dry when working with electricity; be aware of electrical hazards at home, at school, and in the community)
6s41 2.3 use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills (see page 12) to investigate the characteristics of static electricity Sample guiding questions: Is static electricity really static? Explain. What causes static electricity? Is it easier to generate static electricity in a dry room or a humid room? Why? Which materials accept a charge better than others? Where would you find static electricity in action?
6s44 2.6 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including current, battery, circuit, transform, static, electrostatic, and energy, in oral and written communication
6s46 3.1 distinguish between current and static electricity
6s47 3.2 use the principles of static electricity to explain common electrostatic phenomena (e.g., the attraction of hairs to a comb that has been rubbed on a piece of wool; the attraction of small pieces of paper to a plastic ruler that has been rubbed with a rag; the attraction of pieces of clothing to each other when they come out of a clothes dryer)


Important Terminology

Background Knowledge


Lesson Sequence

jam jar electroscope
explore what material can build up a charge
balloons and sugar, little paper people

Key Questions

Leading questions given by you to the students and expected questions from the students




Implications for Future Lessons

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