5 - expression and emotion


Produce two- and three-dimensional works of art that communicates a variety of ideas for specific purposes and to specific audiences, using a variety of art forms


They eyes are the windows to the soul, or so they say. This is especially true in manga, where the eyes are the principal means of showing emotion.


  1. 5 min - Review the expectations for today's lesson. Go over the handouts on expression using the data projector or smartboard. point out the features that convey the particular emotion in each example.
  2. 15 min - With a partner, take turns showing the different emotions the characters in their story may feel while their partner quickly draws a manga face showing the emotion.
  3. 15 min - brainstorm with class how different features can be used to convey character and how you might show that on a manga character. Think about hair, shape and size of face, nose, and especially eyes.
  4. 25 min - Application
  5. Application

    The students should spend the remainder of the class thinking about and sketching the protagonists of their story. They will also record in an artists log what characteristics they are trying to show and what features they will use to convey that. The log and a sketch of each protagonist will be handed in for evaluation according to the attached rubric.

    Instructional Aids

    Print out the following 2 tutorials for the children.
    http://www.mangatutorials.com/tut/expressions.php - emotional expression
    http://www.cablenet.ne.jp/~japanime/tutorial/expressions.html - more expressions

    Reference Material

    Art Exemplars

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