6 - 10 - final project

6 - 10 - final project ajlill Mon, 11/10/2008 - 22:49


Produce a complete, colored, 1 or 2 page manga based on the rough draft created in lesson 3.

Due date

End of lesson 10


Pencil or watercolors


1 or 2 11x17 sheets


paper, pencils, watercolors


The art portion of the assignment will be evaluated according to the attached rubric. The student will also hand in a self evaluation in which he will do two stars and a wish. That is they will talk about two things they are proud of, and one thing they wish they could do over. They should also give themselves a mark out of 10 as to how well they applied the principals of balance to their final product. This self evaluation will be due at the beginning of the next lesson.