3 - create a rough draft of their layout.

3 - create a rough draft of their layout. ajlill Mon, 11/10/2008 - 22:34


This is to be a rough layout of their final project. It will contain the layout of the panels (size, shape, and number). Each panel will have an outline sketch of the contents, including voice, thought, and sound effects bubbles, and narrative panels. The layout will also indicate the balance and scan paths of each panel. The student will include at least three different examples of balance. This must include one example of symmetrical and one of asymmetrical balance. The student will also include at least three different scan lines among the panels. The student will also produce an artists log explaining why they chose the particular panel characteristics, and why they chose the particular balance and what elements of the panel they are using to provide the ballance.

Due Date

End of lesson 3


Pencil and paper


1-2 11x17 pages.



The rough draft will be evaluated using the following checklist. In addition, formative assessment will be provided to help. The artists log will be evaluated on the attached rubric and the mark recorded.