Water Clock Experiment Wrap-up
This is the basic clepsydra (literally "water thief"). This device can be traced back to nearly 2000 BCE in ancient Egypt. This type of clepsydra was often used to time speakers during debates and trials.
This is the basic clepsydra (literally "water thief"). This device can be traced back to nearly 2000 BCE in ancient Egypt. This type of clepsydra was often used to time speakers during debates and trials.
15 min.
Talk about the history of water clocks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_clock
Relate this to how the Greeks used the water clock to limit debate in public life.
Discuss how the Greeks divided the day into 12 hours, so they changed length as the seasons changed.
Show the Tower of the Winds in the Agora. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_the_Winds
10 min - Divide the children into groups. Ensure each group has a heterogenous mix of students. Introduce the experiment. List required information to be gathered for the lab report.
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