20th Century Black Music

Grade 8


This unit is to give the student a brief overview of some of the forms of black music in the 20th century, the zeitgeist that influenced them, and their influence on western culture. This will not be an exhaustive look, as this could easily be a full university course. We will accomplish this through research, listening, performing, and composing.

We will begin by talking about the blues, their origins and their influences and end with hip hop


Overall Expectations

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of music specified for this grade through listening to, preforming and creating music
  • Identify and perform music from various cultures and historical periods
  • Communicate their understanding and knowledge of music in appropriate ways.

Specific Expectations

  • read music appropriate for this grade, showing their understanding of the necessary aspects of notation.
  • Identify the type of textures in music appropriate for the grade.
  • create musical compositions that make use of elements of music studied in this grade, write them in standard notation, and perform them.
  • Describe some aspects of the historical context of music that they sing, play, or listen to
  • communicate their thoughts and feelings about the music they hear, using language and a variety of art forms and media.


The Students

The students will be conversant in the concepts of rhythm, scales, melody, and texture. They should be able to read and perform music from a written score. We will not assume any ability to play an instrument, but should take advantage any students that can when performing.

The Teacher

The teacher should be at least as conversant as the students. The teacher should have a good grasp of American History, as well as the form and influences of the blues, jazz, R&B, soul, funk, disco, rap and hip-hop. The ability to play blues guitar or harmonica, as well as the ability to rap or bust some moves would be a bonus.

The Classroom

The Classroom will contain a number of internet connected computers in order to allow the students to do research or a computer lab will be available. The student will also need access to a library containing materiel on American history in the 20th C.

The Community

No community resources will be required for this lesson plan, however, if one of the genres of music being studied happens to be being performed in an age-appropriate setting, a field trip should be considered.


The students will be engaged in performing song and dance, upon which they will be evaluated on participation, enthusiasm, and their ability to sing as a group.
As a class, the students will be creating a word wall which will chart the music they are listening to and the influences it has on culture and vice-versa. They will also be writing an individual listening log.
Culminating assignment. They will pick a period and write a paper describing how the music of the African-American community reflected the zeitgeist of the times.

Lesson Outline

1618 - 1900
Slavery and Emancipation - Roots of 20th Century Music - 1 lesson
1900 - 1930
Progressive Age, Roaring 20's, Dirty 30's - blues & jazz - 3 lessons
1940 - 1960
WWII, Postwar Boom - R&B, Rock - 1 lessons
1960 - 1970
Vietnam, Civil Rights, Summer of Love - Soul, Funk - 1 lesson
1970 - 1985
Post Vietnam, Stagflation - Disco - 2 lessons
1985 - 2000
End of the Cold War, Economic Boom - hip hop , rap - 3 lessons
Final paper - 2 lessons

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