Physics 12
This physics course deals extensively with vectors. If you haven't already taken, or are not currently taking Calculus, you're in big trouble.
Momentum and Impulse Worksheet
Newton's Second Law worksheet
This physics course deals extensively with vectors. If you haven't already taken, or are not currently taking Calculus, you're in big trouble.
Momentum and Impulse Worksheet
Newton's Second Law worksheet
Completely analyse functions to degree 5 Use synthetic division to factor functions
The students should be familiar with bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, stem and leaf plots, Box and Whisker plots and histograms, both how to produce them and how to extract data from them. They should also know when to use each, and when not to. Shodor interactives has a number of activities on various graphs and charts
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Evolution, and Probability
Short version
Heretofore, you have been dealing with scalar quantities. These are things like numbers, mass, length, that just have a size (magnitude). We will now formally introduce the vector. A vector is a mathematical object that has both a magnitude and a direction. Vectors are used to describe things like position, forces, weight, and hence play a big part in physics. In order to describe the direction of a vector, we need a frame of reference.
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