5 - Fluid density

Overall Expectations

investigate the properties of fluids

Specific Expectations

  • follow established safety practices for using apparatus, tools, and materials (e.g., use syringes and tubing for the purposes for which they were designed)
  • investigate and compare the density of a variety of liquids
  • investigate and compare the densities of a variety of liquids
  • use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including viscosity, density, particle theory of matter, hydraulic, and pneumatic, in oral and written communication
  • use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes
  • determine the buoyancy of an object, given its density, in a variety of fluids


Graduated cylinders, balance scales, stirring rods, hydrometers (from previous lesson), water, high fructose corn syrup, sliced fruit (various types), ice water bath.

Important Terminology

mass, volume, density, concentration

Background Knowledge

How to use the INSITE method to design and carry out an experiment.


We have just recieved the following e-mail from the Whiz Bang Drinks marketing department.
Our company is developing a new beverage. We believe that it would be a big hit if we could suspend pieces of fruit in the drink. We would like to know if this is possible, and if so, how much sugar is required to do this. Please respond ASAP, etc.

Lesson Sequence

The class will be divided into groups and each group will be assigned a fruit. Each group will need to design and carry out an investigation to determine if it is possible to suspend pieces of the fruit in a sugar solution, and if so, quantify the density of the liquid required to suspend different types of fruit, and the percentage of sugar required. As an extension, they should also determine if temperature makes a difference.

Key Questions

Is it possible to create a liquid that will have the same density as a piece of fruit. How do you determine the density of a fluid. How do you create a fluid with a specific density. Does temperature make a difference.


The INSITE logbooks will be collected, as well as the e-mail report to Whiz Bang Drinks. They will be evaluated using the attached checklist.


As a group activity, there is little scope for enrichment


Weaker students will be supported by stronger students in their group.

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