The Dreaded Word Problem

Word problems are the bane of most math students, and why not. This is where mathematics, language arts, logic and the real world all intersect.

  • Find a Pattern
  • Make a Table
  • Work Backwards
  • Guess and Check
  • Draw a Picture
  • Make a List
  • Write a Number Sentence
  • Use Logical Reasoning

Translate the problem into math-ese
Solve the equations

Operation words

Addition add. addition. sum. total. plus, more than, in adddition to, increased by, enlarged by, exceeds by, gain, raise, greater than, combine, together
Subtraction subtract, subtraction, minus, take away, decreased by, less than, diminished by, reduced by, How many more than?, How many fewer than?, How many left? fewer than, difference, droped, loss of
Multiplication multiply, multiplied by, times, of, by, product, at, groups of, each, every
Division divided by, into, quotient, per, ratio, parts,dividend, divisor, distributed among, How much for each? How many groups? fractions, each, every

Study the problem
Organize the facts
Line up a plan
Verify your plan with action
Examine the results

Circle key numbers
Underline the question
Box any math action words
Evaluate what steps to you take
Solve and check

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