SS - Medieval Times - Lesson Plan

SS - Medieval Times - Lesson Plan ajlill Fri, 01/23/2009 - 13:09

Another idea could be on social structure. Overall expectation would still be "identify and describe major features....". The specific expectations could be "describe hierarchical structure of medieval society...." (Knowledge and Understanding), "use graphic organizers to summarize information....." (Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills) and "compare aspects of life in a medieval community to their own..." (Application). There could be slips of paper (one for each student) with a different level of society on it (e.g. king, god, peasants). The number of slips for each level would be a representation of how many people would hold that position in society (e.g. 1 king, 3 nobles, lots of peasants). The students would get up and find the members of their group. Once in groups, the students could make observations about what they noticed (e.g. lots of peasants) and then try to put themselves in order of rank by group. They could then draw a pyramid to show this. We could then think of a way to tie this into the structure of Canadian society today (very basic - lots of middle class, some poor, some rich).Comparision between social structure then and now

Use stats can. talks about social mobility. our "class" is based on money. impact on distribution of power.